The Box in the Basement
Avery’s life sucks.
With the passing of her little brother, bullies at school, parents arguing at home, teacher on her case, friends no longer friends,
only Amy her best friend and escaping reality helps her cope.
Until she learns about a Box and a Cube with power, whatever that means.
She quickly finds out this Cube has the power to transport her to her own future – and from what she’s seen, her future looks AMAZING. What would stop her from teleporting there, like… now?
But is that the right choice to make? Some choices are not easy choices, and Avery will need to make the right one. Not only for her own life, but for all the people in her life she knows and cares about.
A Q&A with Mike Fox

Tell us your film name, the category you won for, and where the idea for your film came from? Crystal Fox Films. Best Feature Film – All Categories
What were the toughest aspects of creating this film? How did you overcome them?
Having a skeleton crew on lower budget and a very tight schedule. We had to juggle scenes, be extra creative as filmmakers tend to be, and work very, very hard on our own, when many others have a full team to do those things. Truly a real family endeavor.
What inspired you to enter into the world of filmmaking?
I’ve always been a filmmaker and director at heart, but never really had an opportunity to do anything about it. We’ve been a creative design family business since 2012, but a few years ago as I was putting together extra showreel footage for our daughter, the storylines and ideas kept bursting through me. Then I started winning film festivals for film shorts and we as a family went full force into creating.
Do you have long-term goals for filmmaking? What are they?
Long term is to direct and create a blockbuster film – but one that would inspire, empower and impact lives instead of merely entertainment or pushing certain narratives that don’t unify.
Tell us a funny anecdote or a memorable moment from creating this film.
The storm scenes. As filmmakers, we had to do whatever it took to make the scene. So, we took over half of our daughter’s things, including the bunk bed, from upstairs, put it into our dining room since it was on the first floor, moved bookcases around, put up a few wall hangings, and then my wife stood outside the house with a hose to create the rain, along with a bright shop light secured on a pole, on a ladder to help create the shadow of the rain on the face effect. Then, with the power cables running across the lawn, it started raining for real, so she got wet and we had to hurry up to get her back in the house!
Do you have any film-making influences or people you look up to?
Yes, J.J. Abrams, Christopher Nolan, James Cameron, Kenneth Branagh, Jon Favreau.
Do you have a favorite film project that you have done? Why?
This one. A Sci-fi movie with memorable characters, impacting topics such as bullying, teen and parent relationships, making wise choices, family loss, etc.
What advice would you share with someone wanting to make their first movie?
Invest, try not to cut too many corners, go out and create and understand audio and post production is almost just as important as the shooting of the film.
What are you going to do next?
Directing an episodic pilot in Savannah, GA, do a few pickups for a family sitcom, and filming many projects until we can live full time in filmmaking.
Where can we find more about you? Plug any social media links or info you'd like to share!
Instagram: @officialmikefox @splashdesignworks @crystalfoxfilms @afoxauthor.
Facebook: @splashdw @splashdesignworks @crystalfoxfilms @afoxauthor