We shared some questions with Alexandra Balda of Red Heart Productions. Her answers were so awesome, we’d thought we’d share them directly with you. We hope you will enjoy learning more about Alexandra and her new film “Door to Purgatory”.
is the name of your film? “Door to Purgatory”
When did you begin making movies? I am an actress-turned- director. I debuted as screenwriter and director last year with “Door to Purgatory”.
What is your favorite part of the process? I enjoy the whole movie making process, from development of the story to postproduction. Being able to support other artist’s ideas and their talents is the greatest creative experience!
What challenges do you face as a filmmaker? My biggest challenge has been the process of transferring the stories and images I have in my head into film. While directing a project, I tend to get caught up in recreating what’s in my head as the writer, and it frustrates me but I have learned to accept the new form the story took. As I continue to direct more films, the more comfortable I become letting the narrative to shift.
What inspired you to choose to be a filmmaker? I grew up watching reruns of “The Twilight Zone” and horror movies such as “The Shinning”, “A Clockwork Orange”, “The Exorcist”, “Rosemary’s Baby”, “The Omen” and “A Nightmare on Elm Street”. Those were the stories that really fired my imagination as a young girl and inspired me to become a filmmaker.
What has been the greatest reward from your journey as a filmmaker? My latest short film “Door to Purgatory” was my very first and greatest reward as a new filmmaker. Being able to work with so many passionate and creative people has been just magical!
Do you formally studio filmmaking or learn on your own? I did not study film in college. I received my bachelor of science in dentistry. Now my main focus revolves around self-teaching and learning from those people who have already done the work themselves, and are willing to share their wisdom in order to help me climb.
What advice can you share with others that are considering becoming a filmmaker? My advice to others is to have fun with the whole process. There is no right or wrong way to make a film. Filmmaking is a personal journey to be shared with liked-mindedpeople. Don’t wait around for anyone to help you. Just follow your heart and enjoy the process because it’s all you really have!
Where do you see yourself in the future? I am driven to be the best at what I do. I see myself taking on interesting projects where I’ll have opportunities to develop my skills as a filmmaker. Collaborating with people I can really learn from. Eventually for one of these projects to led to a production deal that gives me the freedom to be able to quit my day job and focus full time on writing and directing.
What is your favorite genre of film? Horror. I find ghost and supernatural stories so romantic and poetic. I believe invisible, spiritual ties exist and it’s just fascinating making these connections while filmmaking.
Is there any thing you’d like to share about your experience as a filmmaker that we haven’t asked?
As a female filmmaker what challenges have you faced and overcome? I believe there are still gender bias in the industry. We don’t have the same opportunities or have the same amount of risk put on us, especially when it comes to directorial roles. The industry needs to embrace women. But I do think that as women, we should support each other and champion our work. There is no doubt we need stronger female voices in this industry.

See the Trailer at: https://youtu.be/UBNW_-GSoHo
Come see her film at http://www.cosmicfilmfest.com