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Jun 4, 2018
Image by image - drawing a movie
Eileen O'Meara really enjoys drawing. She began making movies in grade school with her friend Judie. According to Eileen, she made...
Jun 1, 2018
From Godzilla to filmmaking
Ever since Jonathan Vargas was five years old, he always knew he wanted to be a filmmaker. It all started with his love for Godzilla...
May 30, 2018
Past memories turned into future hopes
Cass Marks started making movies since he was 9 years old. At the time, he used to make stop-motion brickfilms. At a certain point, he...
May 30, 2018
From “claymations”, to creative filmmaking collaborations
Eric Chaussé likes to say that he has always been making movies. He started very young by making stop-motion animations with his action...
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